Feb 27, 2022Liked by Mark Bonica

Well, at least that Russian soldier was more polite than Trudeau's martial police force crushing the peaceful Ottawa protests - I wish, Putin would have taken his advice to not "escalate" this situation unnecessary!

Apart from the full picture also acknowledging Russia's repeatedly ignored security concerns regarding NATO expansion up to it's doorstep (breaking former promises) defacto making it Russia's Cuba crisis, the alleged Ukrainian assaults on Russian minority, as well as the devastating Russophobic Russia hoax demonizing and harassing Russia (ruthlessly sacrificing foreign relations in favor of a fraudulent domestic smear campaign), this invasion however is an escalation now solely on Putin: I surely hope those brave Ukrainians manage against all odds to throw back this Russian assault and make it the second demolishing Winterwar experience for the Russians (just like the Finish crushed the Soviets in winter 1939-40)

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