RWL Newsletter #93
Greetings from... Minneapolis! I'm taking a mid-semester mini-vacation to visit with some old friends. We've had some gorgeous weather and we were able to walk all around the river front today and enjoy the city. But I haven't forgot about you guys - here's some great stuff to read, watch, and listen to!
What: Medscape RN/LPN Compensation Report, 2018
Why: The nursing workforce is core to any health system. From an economist's point of view, salaries guide people to particular occupations and specialties within those occupations. This report has some interesting data on trends. In particular, it stood out to me that insurance companies and occupation health clinics are paying salaries that are competitive with inpatient care. There is a lot here - it's worth 10 minutes to flip through the slides.
What: Why Mastering Photography (or anything) takes Time
Why: As you know, I love photography. But this video has very little to do with photography and everything to do with mastery. Anything worth doing takes effort and time. This is an inspirational video from an excellent photographer. Take a few minutes an recharge watching this video. It will make you double down on being amazing at your passion - whatever that is.
What: How I Built this with Guy Raz, Warby Parker: Dave Gilboa & Neil Blumenthal
Why: I discovered this podcast a few weeks ago and it is great! I love all the inspirational stories of entrepreneurs who have made something amazing. I'm including this particular episode because it focuses on innovation in the healthcare sector - specifically optometry. I don't have prescription glasses (yet), but I think when I need to, I'm going to work with Warby Parker. So much of the healthcare sector is ripe for disruption. Warby Parker is a great example of what is possible. This is a great founders' story. Check it out!
Thanks for reading and see you next week! If you come across any interesting stories, won't you send them my way? I'd love to hear what you think of these suggestions, and I'd love to get suggestions from you. Feel free to drop me a line by e-mail, or you can tweet to me at @mbonica .
Also, if you find these links interesting, won’t you tell a friend? They can subscribe here:
Have a great weekend and do amazing things!
Mark J. Bonica, Ph.D., MBA, MS
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Management and Policy
University of New Hampshire
(603) 862-0598
Health Leader Forge Podcast:
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor." - Henry David Thoreau