RWL Newsletter - #2
Happy Friday! Thanks for subscribing to the Read, Watch, Listen newsletter.
Below are this weeks suggested links. I’ve picked some interesting items that broadly fit into the public health realm this week.
In the wake of some really awful events, a Harvard economist uses statistics to look at whether blacks are more likely to be killed by police than other races. What he found surprised him. Social violence is a public health issue. The results of the study are mixed, and concerning. Here is an NYT summary of the research:
Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings
here is the actual paper:
This is one of my favorite TED talks. It features an engineer who is interested in helping developing nations with critical infrastructure, such as getting safe drinking water (public health). He talks about how he was involved in some really cool projects that failed and what he learned from that experience. This is a great talk to help think about policy interventions and how coming up with a complete intervention is a lot more complex than it might seem on the surface.
Learning from Failure
There has been a massive uptick in the number of people collecting disability from Social Security. I have several podcasts where people explore this issue, but this one from This American Life/Planet Money is both sensitive and even handed with the issue. It’s fascinating. Disability and the policy response is (hopefully) obviously a public health issue. You can stream it for free, or download it for $0.99.
OK – those are my suggestions for this week. If you find these links interesting, won’t you tell a friend? They can subscribe here:
Feel free to drop me a line by e-mail, or you can tweet to me at @bonicatalent .
Thanks for reading and see you next week!
Mark J. Bonica, Ph.D., MBA, MS
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Management and Policy
Univeristy of New Hampshire
(603) 862-0598
Health Leader Forge Podcast:
Twitter: @bonicatalent
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor." - Henry David Thoreau